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Business Casual Dress Code

9th-12th Grades



Learning how to dress appropriately for all occasions continues to be an important part of what we do! I hear so many frustrating stories from adults about young professionals not wearing business-appropriate attire, so now is a great time to start laying the groundwork for our students.


Parents, thank you for helping guide your student in their choices!

IMPORTANT:  Students, if you have a question about what you are planning to wear and whether or not it is appropriate, please feel free to text me a picture ASAP and I will help guide you!  Please do not wait until the day of the event!


NO Jeans, Athletic or Athleisure Wear:  
Examples are joggers, leggings, sneakers, etc. - even if they’re name brand!!!

JEANS are not considered ‘business casual. They can sometimes be worn on "Casual Friday" if a company dress code allows. Caveat: some industries do allow jeans on a regular basis, this is a situation where you need to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE and dress accordingly for the workday or event you are attending!


Ladies, please NOTE:  
Structured Pantsuits are OK, Short rompers are NOT.

Here are some photos of Business Casual outfits to help:


Business-casual-outfit-examples Female.jpeg
Business-casual-outfit-examples Male.jpeg
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